We oversee the delivery of the programme and provide training to healthcare providers who are interested in running classes. We aren’t a healthcare provider and therefore are unable to give you specific advice on your condition.
We generally advise that if you have other medical conditions that prevent you from taking part in exercise programmes (such as unstable heart conditions, severe angina, blood pressure, your doctor has recently been altering your medication, you often fall or exercise makes you very breathless very soon after you begin to exercise), you should seek advice from your GP, nurse or other healthcare practitioner.
You can also contact the Versus Arthritis helpline by phone (0800 5200 520) or email helpline@versusarthritis.org. Versus Arthritis have a team of advisors who can provide tips and advice on managing pain and arthritis. You may also wish to visit their website which has a range of patient resources and information which you may find helpful.