We have developed various tools and resources to help you communicate the benefits of the ESCAPE-pain programme to colleagues and commissioners. Please do let us know if you require specific resources that you cannot find on our website.
Tools & resources
The following resources have been designed to support Integrated care boards (ICBs) formerly, clinical commissioning groups who might want to consider integrating ESCAPE-pain for knees, hips or backs into their MSK contracts.
- ESCAPE-pain funding application toolkit – a guide for leisure providers and clinicians applying for funding to deliver ESCAPE-pain
- NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) Economic Evaluation Case Study.
- Information for Integrated Care Board – FAQ Resource.
- Cheaper (and more effective) by the dozen.
- Cost Savings and Return on Investment calculator – using local population data, this tool extrapolates net annual savings of ESCAPE-pain on community-based care, medications and total health and social care.
- Our provider/commissioner infographic shows the clinical and economic benefits of the ESCAPE-pain for knees and hips programme.

e-Learning resources for sites and providers
We have developed two free and interactive ESCAPE-pain e-learning resources, together with Health Education England’s e-Learning for Healthcare. The resources are aimed at prospective ESCAPE-pain sites and providers, but can also be useful as a refresher for those who have had a gap between attending their ESCAPE-pain facilitator training and delivering the programme.
- The first session is aimed at helping interested providers determine how ESCAPE-pain may fit within their organisation and to begin the process towards implementation.
- The second session is aimed at professionals (healthcare professionals and exercise instructors) who plan to deliver the programme and become ESCAPE-pain facilitators.
- Each e-Learning session takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, with the aim of improving providers’ understanding of what the programme involves and to prepare for the facilitator training.
Please note that eligible facilitators will still need to attend the ESCAPE-pain training in order to deliver the programme.
Session 1: Are you ESCAPE-pain ready?
- The core tenets of the ESCAPE-pain programme.
- The evidence base and cost effectiveness.
- How to resource the programme and implementation resources.
- Participant eligibility criteria, data collection, recruitment and retention.
- Online tools and resources.
- How to become an ESCAPE-pain facilitator.

Session 2: Preparing for ESCAPE-pain training
- Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and what good MSK health means.
- Key facts regarding knee and hip osteoarthritis and back pain, including information around prevalence, persistent pain and NICE guidelines.
- Theoretical foundations of the ESCAPE-pain programme and the biopsychosocial perspective.
- ESCAPE-pain for knees and hips and ESCAPE-pain for backs programmes, including clinical efficacy, participant eligibility criteria, contraindications for exercise and red flags.

Accessing the e-Learning resources
The e-Learning resources were commissioned by the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and developed by Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, in collaboration with ESCAPE-pain and the Health Innovation Network. For more information about the programme, including how to access the e-Learning resources, please contact the ESCAPE-pain team on hello@escape-pain.org.