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Site of the month

Interested in nominating your organisation for the ‘Site of the month’ award?

Complete this Microsoft form to let ESCAPE-pain know!

April 2024

Age Concern Tyneside South and South Tyneside Council

Age Concern Tyneside South were announced as ‘Site of the month’ for April. Delivery of the ESCAPE-pain programme is part of a collaboration between their leisure services, Age Concern and the local authority. 

Watch the encouraging participant stories:

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February 2024

Active Charnwood

Active Charnwood started off the year with a bang and were announced as the first ‘Site of the month’ for 2024. Active Charnwood were recognised for their work with Leicestershire County Council and Active Together delivering the ESCAPE-pain programme; “I found ESCAPE-pain really beneficial. The physiotherapists and facilitator were extremely supportive and encouraging. It gave me more insight into my problem, the importance of exercise and the courage to attempt more. I continue to attend other sessions since ESCAPE-pain to hopefully delay the need for hip surgery”.

Fantastic to see their pilot is going so well and hearing the positive feedback, especially a potential delay in surgery, we cant wait for the final results.

Want to from a participant who attended the programme, watch Michael’s journey!

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

November 2023


Healthworks Newcastle were announced as ‘Site of the month’ for November. Healthworks began delivering ESCAPE-pain because of the programmes emphasis on education and self management, which aligned with their philosophy of empowering clients to take an active role in their health. What a brilliant message.

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October 2023

Huntingdonshire District Council

Huntingdonshire District Council were awarded ESCAPE-pain’s ‘Site of the month’ award in October 2023 for their smooth implementation of ESCAPE-pain into their specialist exercise offering for Long term conditions. They provide fantastic exercise classes to participants following the initial 6 week programme so they can continue exercising!

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

September 2023

East Lancashire NHS Trust

“ESCAPE-pain has given me confidence and motivation to go enjoy my life to the full”

East Lancashire NHS Trust were announced as Site of the Month for September by ESCAPE-pain having delivered the programme for several years and clearly dedicated to  improving patient care. Congratulations to the fantastic team!

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

July 2023

High Life Highland

High Life Highland were awarded ESCAPE-pain’s ‘Site of the month’ award in July 2023. The hard work and dedication from the High Life Highland Team was clear to ESCAPE-pain after they took home the public nomination award and innovation award at the High Life Highland Staff awards (watch from 1:24 below)! Another congratulations is in order for the fantastic team.

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

June 2023

One Wight Health

For June’s ‘Site of the Month’ ESCAPE-pain nominated One Wight Health. It was fantastic to see such seamless implementation of the ESCAPE-pain programme for both hips and knees and backs on the Isle of Wight. Furthermore, their recognition of the growing population suffering from chronic pain enabled the programme to flourish and made them the perfect candidates for this award. Congratulations to the amazing team!

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

May 2023

Circadian Trust

ESCAPE-pain awarded Circadian Trust ‘Site of the Month’ in May 2023, highlighting their hard work and dedication to the ESCAPE-pain programme. The programme was commissioned by an ICB after the trust’s successful ESCAPE-pain pilot. Congratulations to the team!

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

April 2023

East Coast Community Healthcare CIC

In April 2023, ESCAPE-pain awarded East Coast Community Healthcare CIC as ‘Site of the Month’, prompted by the fantastic participant feedback received by the ESCAPE-pain team! Thank you to the great ECCH team for all their hard work.

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

March 2023

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

In March 2023, ESCAPE-pain announced Cardiff and Vale University Health Board as ‘Site of the Month’, highlighting the hard work of CAVUHB and Keeping Me Well. The aim of the programme is to empower ESCAPEEs to build a network of support; helping participants live well and self-manage conditions within communities.

Want to find out more? Check out Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s ESCAPE-pain case study.

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

February 2023

Everybody Health and Leisure

In February 2023, ESCAPE-pain awarded Everybody Health and Leisure as ‘Site of the Month’, recognising their hard work and dedication to the ESCAPE-pain programme.

Everybody Health and Leisure has delivered ESCAPE-pain for 5 years, to find out more about why they decided to deliver ESCAPE-pain watch the provider case study to learn why and how Everybody Health and Leisure adopted the ESCAPE-pain programme.

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

December 2022

Healthiness Ltd

In December 2022, ESCAPE-pain recognised Healthiness Ltd for their continuing hard work by awarding them ESCAPE-pain ‘Site of the month’!

They offer a huge range of classes alongside ESCAPE-pain, claiming ESCAPE-pain was ‘the best thing we ever did’, with 63% of their weekly participants having attended the ESCAPE-pain programme. Congratulations and thank you!

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

November 2022

Wokingham Borough Council

In November 2022, ESCAPE-pain awarded Wokingham Borough Council the ‘Site of the month’ award.

Their dedication is highlighted by the numerous programmes and classes encouraging different forms of exercise for specific long-term conditions and wellbeing goals.

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

October 2022

Age UK Somerset

In October 2022, ESCAPE-pain congratulated Age UK Somerset for winning the ESCAPE-pain Site of the month award – ‘Adding years to life, adding life to years’.

Their hard work and commitment was captured in participant feedback; “Thank you for your guidance and input over the last 6 weeks. Where did the time go? I have found it helpful and instructive and certainly have noticed improvements and reduction in pain. Long may it continue and long may I continue to exercise!”

Click on the image to view in a larger format.

September 2022

East Riding Leisure

In September 2022, ESCAPE-pain recognised East Riding Leisure for their hard work and dedication to the ESCAPE-pain programme by awarding them the ESCAPE-pain Site of the month award.

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